Category: writing
Dearest spawn: words of wisdom for the future
Recently I was requested to write some words of wisdom for the as yet unborn child of two of my very dear friends. Having a great deal of words but a rather appalling dearth of wisdom, I soon found myself overwhelmed by the grandiose responsibility of providing the literary form of a guiding light in…
Letter to the Editors (the UK band)
Dear the Editors, How are you? I am very well, thanks for asking and for also realising I was not just a spambot. Sometimes people think that and it's quite awkward, especially when it's at a cocktail party rather than an internet forum. Anyway, let's cut straight to the not boring bit shall…
Gatsby 8 bit
Great Gatsby, the eight bit video game? YES PLEASE! *sidenote: the wikipedia entry for 'Saturn Return' lists both this book and my novel A Beginner's Guide to Dying in India as literary references. This pleases me in strange and unusual ways.
The Price is Free
Dear the Government, How are you? I know that you are rather busy unreasonably oppressing refugess in direct violation of the UN charter that you signed, but I wondered if you might address something for me. The thing is; I love libraries. At a library I can instantly attain one of the things that…