Category: education

  • Library

    I originally wrote this poem when I was invited to do a speech to honour the opening of the Ann Christopherson library at Ipswich East primary school, and it’s been one of my favourites to perform ever since. Also, unlike most of my poetry, it’s very ‘clean,’ so it’s safe to perform for younger audiences (although…

  • On the making of monsters.

      Recently I helped out EarthCheck with designing some fictional characters to help teach kids about caring for the environment. We developed four names for each character and then ran a poll on social media to choose the winning moniker. There’s an article about it here, it’s a great project that’s going to work with…

  • Dearest Ministers of Education: please buy 2 million copies of Zeb and the Great Ruckus.

    To:, Dear Mr Langbroek (State Minister for Education) and Mrs Collins (Federal Minister for School Education), I’m sure that your political parties are very busy dismantling essential health services and implementing draconian internet security protocols respectively. I would, however like to borrow a few moments of your valuable time to talk about an important issue, which is the dire…