Author: Josh
We Are All Ghosts audition callout
Photo by arthorse After many years writing novels & stories & articles & poetry & angry letters to politicians & graffiti on toilet walls I’ve finally written my first play. It’s called We Are All Ghosts and it will be part of the Anywhere Theatre Festival, which is one of the most magnificent arts festivals…
Reduce Translink fares: 3600 signatures and counting…
SIGN HERE Brisbane’s public transport prices are now the most expensive in Australia and among the highest in the world. High prices are causing more people to choose to drive instead of using public transport thus increasing traffic, pollution and potentially raising the number of drunk drivers on the road. Lowering the cost of living…
A poem for Christopher Pyne
Christopher Pyne, you’ve got me pining for a time When we had an education minister with half a mind You stick to your area of expertise, I’ll stick to mine If you need an expert on education, a phone call my way would be well worth your while If I need an expert on being…
The good thing about buying books as Xmas gifts is that you can write in the front of them and it saves you buying a card. This means that not only do you save on money and paper wastage, but many years from now when you and the person you gave the book to are…
I just found out that someone made one of those ‘quotes as images to share on social media’ things from something I wrote in Zeb and the Great Ruckus. Apparently it’s been used on a dating website as a ‘this is a selection of words that encapsulates who I am and if you are of…
Xmas tree made from dead trees (aka books)
100 books a year
For the last three years I’ve set myself a goal of reading 100 books a year. I’m often asked how I ‘manage’ to do this and the answer is simply that people make time for the things they value. Some people lift weights 7-9 hours a week, some people watch entire seasons of a TV…
Stories + cushions = best friends having amazing literary pillow fights forever
Ladies and gentlememes, if you frequent this little corner of the internet on a regular basis then you may have heard that as part of the Brisbane Writers Festival I had a short story, Lenore Meets a Mack Truck, printed on a few cushions scattered around the festival thanks to the good folks at Tiny…
VLAD = Very Lucky Australian Dictator
My dearest Newman it’s your old pal JD here. As you know, I do my utmost to be a law-abiding citizen, no matter how ineffective, draconian or heavily criticised by experts the laws in question may be. After all, we all know that pesky experts just get in the way of progress, right? What with…
Twitter interview (twitterview? Twinterview?)
I’m going to be doing a twitter interview thing from 9am AEST today. Hit me up with questions about writing, poetry, art, quantum physics, home decorating tips, that weird rash on your elbow etc.