photo by Martin Ingle
J.M. DONELLAN is a writer, musician, poet, and teacher. He was almost devoured by a tiger in the jungles of Malaysia, nearly died of a lung collapse in the Nepalese Himalayas, fended off a pack of rabid dogs with a guitar in the mountains of India and was sexually harassed by a half-naked man whilst standing next to Oscar Wilde’s grave in Paris.
His children’s fantasy novel Zeb and the Great Ruckus was described by one child as ‘the best book ever, but it should have had Dr Who in it.’ His novel Killing Adonis was nominated for a Kirkus prize and has recently been adapted into an audiobook. He released the poetry collection Stendhal Syndrome in 2016 and wrote and co-directed the fiction podcast series Six Cold Feet, starring Tom Yaxley, Jessica McGaw, and Melanie Zanetti the following year.
His most recent novels are Lenore’s Last Funeral and Rumors of Her Death. He is currently working on multiple film scripts with Continuance Pictures. He’s also won a bunch of awards but refuses to list them all here because no one likes a braggart.